Scanners and their functions

Questions Scanners and their functions
akankshat.ngPublished on: 4/26/2024 3:42:06 AM

What do you mean by scanners and what are their functions?

1 Answers
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Akanksha Tripathi 11/28/2018 12:14:00 PM

A scanner is an electronic device which can capture images from physical items and convert them into digital formats, which in turn can be stored in a computer, and viewed or modified using software applications.

Different types of scanners are available with different resolutions. In the world of electronic data transmission, scanning is considered to be the most cost-effective and reliable way of transmitting images.


One very common use for scanners is copying. If you need to make multiple copies of a flyer, poster, worksheet or similar document and don't have access to a traditional copier, a scanner can be used to create a computer file for your document that can be printed as many times as you need, assuming your computer is hooked up to a printer. Also, unlike a copier, a scanner gives you the option of editing your document before you print your copies.


Another popular use for scanners is digital archiving. Digital archiving is the process of making and saving digital copies of hard copy documents. These documents can include anything from personal documentation and tax paperwork to family letters and business records. Having more than one copy of valuable documents makes the information in said documents that much easier to recover in the event the original documents are lost, stolen or destroyed.


Scanners are also useful for research purposes. Long-term research projects, whether for school or business, will often require information to be gathered from borrowed library books or other privately-owned sources. If the information contained in these sources is necessary for later research, it can be scanned into your computer and referenced at a later date without the need for the original book or document. This allows you to return the source without sacrificing the information found in it.

Sharing Photos

You can also use scanners to share hard copy photos with friends and family via the Internet. While digital photography has become the prevalent format for professional and amateur photographers alike, many people still have old family photos taken with traditional film cameras and therefore were never recorded digitally. Scanners allow you to create digital copies of these photographs that can be posted to social networking sites like Facebook or emailed directly to distant friends and family.