Write short Note of DFS

QuestionsWrite short Note of DFS
shivPublished on: 4/23/2024 8:16:34 PM

1 Answers
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Depth first search

Now solving the problem is just a matter of generalizing binary tree search to a tree which does not have a fixed number of children in each of its nodes. Depth First Search is quite similar to preorder traversal of a binary tree where you look at the left child, then the node itself and then the right child.

In Depth First Search, there is a priority queue where each element is a path from the root of the tree. The priority of an element is the number of nodes in the path. Higher the number, higher the priority. We use this priority queue in the following algorithm:

Insert the root node into the priority queue
While the queue is not empty
Dequeue the element with highest priority
(In case the priorities are same, the alphabetically smaller element is chosen)
If the path is ending in the goal state, print the path and exit
Insert all the children of the dequeued element, into the queue

Now let us apply the algorithm on the above tree and see what it gives us. We will write down the state of the priority queue at each iteration and look at the final output. Each element of the queue is written as [path,priority].

Initialization: { [ S , 1 ] }
Iteration1: { [ S->A , 2 ] , [ S->G , 2 ] }
Iteration2: { [ S->A->B , 3 ] , [ S->A->C , 3 ] , [ S->G , 2 ] }
Iteration3: { [ S->A->B->D , 4 ] , [ S->A->C , 3 ] , [ S->G , 2 ] }
Iteration4: { [ S->A->B->D->G , 5 ] , [ S->A->C , 3 ] , [ S->G , 2 ] }

Iteration5 gives the final output as S->A->B->D->G.