What Is File Management System?

QuestionsWhat Is File Management System?
manish.mishraPublished on: 4/20/2024 5:57:32 AM

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A file management system is an application that is used to store, arrange, and access files stored on a disk or other storage location. The main purpose of a file manager is to enable users to create and store new files on a device (laptop or desktop), view all the files stored on the device, and to organize files in different hierarchical arrangements, such as folders, for easy classification. The basic operations possible with a file management system include:

  • Creating new files
  • Displaying all stored files
  • Moving files between locations
  • Adding and editing basic metadata
  • Sorting files based on criteria such as date modified, date created, file size, file format, etc.

A file management system provides you with a simple interface that can be used to browse through folders and access different files using dedicated applications, such as Excel for .xls, Acrobat for .pdf, and Word for .doc. The default file management system provided for the users of Microsoft Windows computers is Windows Explorer.